I started making mermaid tails because I wanted everyone to have a chance to live their childhood dream. Yes, I am also in business to make money. It is how I support myself and my family, pay my health insurance, make my mortgage payment, afford my electric bill, and my grocery bill.
Men, women, and children of all ages have dreams and inspirations. Some children want to grow up as firefighters, police officers, or doctors. Others want to enter into the entertainment or artistic world as performers, professional dancers, or fashion designers. Then their are those who are not sure what they want to be when they grow up. Unfortunately for some, even after they are grown up have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
Once in a while a childhood dream may be turned into a life long career. That is what happened to me. Let me tell you did I pursue it! I only pursued making mermaid tails and becoming an underwater performer because I was good at it. It was a talent. It was and still is something I breath, sleep, and live everyday of my life. Not only was I able to make it work for myself, but I had a handful of important supporters in my life. Not just family, but inspirational role models who pushed me to strive for perfection for who I am and what I am able to create today.
In a nut shell what I am trying to say is that we can all dream and live out our dreams. However, that does not mean just because we have a strong passion or liking, we should pursue a career in that liking. There are many individuals who get involved in a specific industry because it is their passion or hobby. After time goes by they get bored, frustrated, and begin to hate what once use to be something they enjoyed.
If your dream is to be a mermaid, then live your dream as a mermaid, but don't start a career in something that you love because you see everyone else doing it. Not everyone can succeed at making their hobbies or passions into a full fledge career. Many times it is better to just keep love, passions, and hobbies separate from work.
I wish the best of luck to all of my fans, followers, and individuals with the same dream as me!