
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


If you want my honest opinion, I think it is a joke. Just because there is a group of people with a common passion, does not give them the right to break laws, infringe, or bully. In the real world there are laws, rules, and regulations for reasons. If people cannot follow them and get caught, they are likely to get called out by their wrongful actions or reprimanded by the law. People may not like this, but that's how the world rolls. If people do not want to get reprimanded or called out on a mistake that they made, then they should have not done it in the first place. It is a pretty simple fact of life. Right, wrong, or otherwise, when people duplicate original works of art (ie. sculptures, music, paintings, photographs, drawings, costumes, etc), they know what they are doing. Whether or not people are willing to deal with or accept the repercussions is another story in itself. Plain and simple, reproducing original images or reposting or publishing them without the consent of the original owner(s) is unlawful.

The community should be for people to be original and unique. To live dream. However, that is not the case from most material available on many public domains. Believe it or not there are hundreds of ways to create a mermaid tail. If I remember correctly from going back to my childhood days, mermaids are half human, half fish. If this is the case then there are thousands upon thousands of various species of fish. Each fish has a different color pattern caudal or fluke shape, scale patterns/shapes, and various pectoral and dorsal fins.

With that said, why do people say there is only a "select few" ways to create a mermaid tail? Unfortunately, I do not think this is the case. I think people are suffering themselves from being original by being lazy.

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